Time to say farewell - for now

News | 03.06.2024



Five weeks of FMX On Demand went by in a flash, giving conference participants the opportunity to enjoy presentations they couldn't catch On Site - and offering all those who were unable to come to Stuttgart a taste of what FMX 2024 was all about.


Cutting-edge presentations


The program and many exchange opportunities at FMX really delivered on this year's theme, CONNECTING IDEAS. A big "Thank you!" to our Program Chair Sol Rogers for contributing a strong track on Interoperability.


Quite a few speakers offered some stunning crystal ball insights into the future. One example: this year's Artificial Intelligence track, curated by Andy Cochrane. The speakers Elena Garcés García, Ben Hansford and Bilawal Sidhu talked about the huge paradigm shift the film and media industry is facing. They showed some of the powerful AI tools that have been turning up in the past months, adressing both the challenges and the opportunities for creators.


Online Videos and the FMX Archive


We could go on forever with a list mentioning Digital Humans and Game Engines, strategies for collaborative team efforts and more equity. The program schedule of FMX 2024, the list of speakers, companies and everything else will be accessible in our archive.


The FMX Highlights Clips are still available on Instagram, LinkedIn and Youtube, as well as video statements of some of our speakers. We will release more of those over the coming weeks as well as key moments of presentations and talks - so stay tuned!