Conference Expanding Realities EU XR
ON SITE Bertha-Benz-Saal Tuesday, April 23, 11:30

EMIL - European Media and Immersion Lab

Video on demand

EMIL, the European Media and Immersion Lab, is a pan-European XR lab with a mission to establish a physical and virtual infrastructure and the aim of promoting innovation and the development of next-generation XR content, services and applications. It clusters the competence of major academic institutions in four key creative industry regions in Europe (Finland, Germany, Spain and UK), bringing together excellence in Narrative Media Production, Smart Garments, Animation, VFX, Embodied Interaction, Digital Cultural Heritage, Digital Health, Motion Capture/Analysis, Scientific Research and technological development. In pursuit of fostering innovation and collaboration with the creative industry community, EMIL initiated funding opportunities through two calls, allocating a total budget of 5.6 million EUR for third-party XR projects. Additionally, each EMIL node creates an XR Lighthouse project around its core competence Smart Garments, Embodied Interaction, Digital Health and Narrative Storytelling.

Marcus Korhonen, Operative Director, Aalto University

Marcus Korhonen is the director of Aalto Studios, the future media centre of Aalto University. Before Aalto he worked as an executive producer at the Finnish public service broadcaster Yle, where he was involved in international projects ranging from global sports events to drama productions. In addition to Finland, he has worked in different roles in the UK media industry, where he produced, directed, and consulted projects ranging from media art to adverts. Marcus Korhonen combines his creative background and experience with wide knowledge on technology and because of this unique combination he is often invited to industry seminars to talk about the intersection of creativity and technology.