Conference Expanding Realities Location-Based Entertainment
ONLINE Meidinger-Saal Friday, April 26, 10:00

Crafting Memorable Collective Experiences

Embark on a captivating journey with Esteban Chacin as he explores Moment Factory's innovative approach to crafting memorable experiences in the physical world. Discover how this multimedia studio merges art and technology to create immersive wonders that transcend personal devices and embrace public spaces. Dive into projects like AURA INVALIDES, an immersive nighttime experience beneath the iconic Dôme des Invalides in Paris. Learn about the challenges of preserving the historical integrity of a French heritage site while infusing them with modernity through light, video mapping, and music.

Esteban Chacin, 3D & Motion Supervisor, Moment Factory

Esteban joined Moment Factory in 2012 as a Senior Motion Designer. As the company evolved and projects became more complex, he transitioned into the role of Lead Motion Designer, guiding larger teams of artists. Today, he holds the position of 3D & Motion Supervisor, serving as part motion designer, lead, mentor, therapist, and guardian for all Motion Designers and 3D Generalists in the organization. He also actively collaborates with content producers, contributing to budgeting and technical strategies.

Among his notable achievements, Esteban has played a significant role in impactful projects such as Mandalay Bay - LIGHT, the SuperBowl NY Theatre, the MUSE tour, the illumination of the Jacques-Cartier Bridge, Superreal, and various high-profile IP-based projects.