Expanded Realities Games & Beyond
ON SITE ROOM F brought to you by FOUNDRY Thursday, May 06, 12:45


In this talk we meet three danish thinkers from the danish Royal Academy and National Filmschool. Each giving a power talk about their view on the future of creating fictions across formats using examples such as Lars Von Triers the Kingdom, the Watchmen and the Walking Dead games. The format of the presentation is that each speaker has not heard each other talks beforehand. The reflections and comparisons and discussions are to happen together with the moderator and not least the audience in the following Q&A session.

Simon Jon Andreasen, Head of Directors education (animation and interactive) and Head of Dadiu (Danish Academy of Interactive Digital Entertainment), D e n D a n s k e F i l m s k o l e

Simon Jon Andreasen is a radio, film and game director and the head of the Danish Games Programme as well as the animation director education af the National Filmschool of Denmark.

Jasper Juul, Game researcher, Royal Danish Academy

Jesper Juul, is a writer and a Ludologist [researcher of the design, meaning, culture, and politics of games].

Jakob Ion Wille, Writer and researcher, Royal Danish Academy

Jakob Wille is a writer and researcher in visual storytelling, production design and storyworlds at the Royal Academy in Denmark.