Conference Tools of Tomorrow Tech Talks
ON SITE Bertha-Benz-Saal Thursday, May 05, 14:30

Creating Presence in Mixed Reality

Video on demand

 Imagine being able to have a conversation with someone who is hundreds of miles away, but it feels like they are actually there with you in the same room. Technologies which could achieve this - true Presence - would change the world. They would bringing distant family and friends closer together, transform the way we work and reduce carbon footprints. However, creating compelling interactive experiences involving other people in mixed reality is a challenging task combining expertise in computer vision, graphics, AI and engineering. In this talk I will examine some of the technologies required to make this a reality, the progress we have made, and the challenges ahead.



Darren Cosker, Principal Scientist - Mixed Reality & AI, Microsoft

Darren Cosker is a Scientist at Microsoft’s Mixed Reality and AI laboratory (Cambridge), and holds a part time full Professor position at the University of Bath. He was previously the founding Director of CAMERA (2015-2021) - a multi-disciplinary research centre dedicated to understanding and modeling human motion and appearance. At Microsoft Darren is helping realise the vision of ‘presence’ in mixed reality and the metaverse through products such as Microsoft Mesh. Prior to joining Microsoft Darren held personal research fellowships from the Royal Society (2012-2016) and the Royal Academy of Engineering (2007-2012).