Climate-friendly FMX offsets CO2 emissions

News | 26.07.2023



We hope you are well and enjoying the summer season. ☀️


We are thrilled to share with you the success of FMX as a certified climate friendly event.


After a thorough evaluation in collaboration with the KSS Klimaschutzstiftung Baden-Wuerttemberg (Climate Protection Foundation), we are proud to announce that FMX took place as a carbon-neutral event (by offsetting), and that the certification has been extended for another year! 🎉



One of our primary goals was to make FMX climate friendly and greenhouse gas neutral. We dedicated significant efforts to implementing various improvements and reductions across multiple areas, including venue management, energy & water supply, arrival & departure, accommodation, catering, waste & resources, procurement, and event marketing & public relations.


To further strengthen our commitment to environmental sustainability, we have taken careful steps to offset the remaining 660 tons of CO2 emissions through a supported initiative to donate clean and efficient cookstoves in Rwanda. This results in less deforestation in the region and less use of charcoal for household energy.


FMX also supported the “Climate Protection in Cultural Institutions funding program” with a donation of €2 per ticket to the KSS. The foundation supports ten cultural institutions in Baden-Wuerttemberg in the transition to more sustainability.


While we celebrate this achievement, we acknowledge that climate friendly behavior is an ongoing process and that there are still areas in need of improvement. Waste management, in particular, is an ongoing focus for us. While we have made significant strides in this area, we recognize that we have not yet reached our desired target. Rest assured, we remain committed to develop FMX as a sustainable conference even further in the coming years.



A great success during the event was the Deutsche Bahn event ticket initiative. A considerable number of our visitors embraced this opportunity, making a significant contribution to sustainable mobility at FMX. We are delighted by the high level of participation, as it plays a vital role in our ongoing efforts to make the event as climate-friendly as possible. Thanks to everyone of you! We look forward to future collaborations with Deutsche Bahn as we continue to prioritize sustainable transportation options.


We would like to extend our gratitude to Stuttgart City Marketing for their support in providing information on sustainable hotel accommodation. This collaboration enabled us to offer our attendees eco-conscious lodging options and contribute to a greener FMX experience.


And we will intensify our collaboration with the FMX venue, Haus der Wirtschaft, in regard to sustainability. We look forward to working hand in hand with them to further our sustainability efforts and promote a more environmentally responsible event.


For more detailed information on our sustainability efforts, we encourage you to visit our website here.



We are deeply grateful for what we have accomplished together with our attendees, speakers, and contributors, and acknowledge that there is more to be done as we continue to build on these successes for future editions of FMX. Thank you for your support! 💚


Do you have questions or cool ideas about sustainability? We're all ears! Feel free to email Sebastian Uhlig at We'd love to hear your thoughts, ideas, and anything else you've got brewing.


Don’t forget to save the date for FMX 2024 and mark your calendars! 📅 The 28th edition of FMX will take place April 23 to 26, 2024.