FMX - Film & Media Exchange

Time to say farewell - for now


Five weeks of FMX On Demand went by in a flash, giving conference participants
the opportunity to enjoy presentations they couldn't catch On Site - and offering
all those who were unable to come to Stuttgart a taste of what FMX 2024 was all about.



Photos: Dominique Brewing, Reiner Pfisterer & David Schäfer

The program and many exchange opportunities at FMX really delivered on
this year's theme, CONNECTING IDEAS. A big "Thank you!" to our Program Chair
Sol Rogers for contributing a strong track on Interoperability.
Quite a few speakers offered some stunning crystal ball insights into the future.


The program schedule of FMX 2024, the list of speakers, companies and
everything else will be accessible in our archive.
The FMX Highlights Clips
are still available on Instagram, LinkedIn and Youtube, as well as
video statements of some of our speakers. We will release more of those over
the coming weeks as well as key moments of presentations and talks - so stay tuned!


We hope to see you again in 2025!


SAVE THE DATE: The 29th edition of FMX will take place May 6 to 9, 2025.


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