FMX - Film & Media Exchange

The current edition of FMX - Film & Media Exchange is taking place right now at

Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart - back to four full days on site from April 23 to 26.

Most presentations will be available on demand from April 27 to May 31.


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Day 3: Watch our Reel!

Day 2: Watch our Reel!

Day 1: Watch our Reel!

We are certified – yet again!

FMX’s certification as a climate-friendly event (by offsetting) in collaboration with the KSS Klimaschutzstiftung Baden-Wuerttemberg (Climate Protection Foundation) has been extended for another year.  

For FMX 2023, we have offset 660 tons of CO2 emissions through a certified initiative.  

FMX also supported the "Climate Protection in Cultural Institutions funding program". The foundation supports ten cultural institutions in Baden-Wuerttemberg in the transition to more sustainability.  

FMX is becoming increasingly sustainable.

FMX 2023: Highlights

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